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Hackim18 - Web1
·3 mins
Crypto Web Write-Up Ctf

The objective of this challenge is to find a way to get logged in as the user “administrator”.

This is the demo application for our new session management system based on military cryptography (namely CBC-MAC). You can log in as any user (except ‘administrator’) with the password ‘Password1’. We blocked access to ‘administrator’ account for security reasons.

Hackim18-What did he said ?
·2 mins
Crypto Write-Up Ctf

By his grace, we have been successfully organizing nullcon, year on year and this is the Nullcon9. At this juncture we cannot forget what did he had said, the one panacea given by him…

In 2010 when we were all worried, how can we be successful with this first ever event…

Nullcom Hackim 2018 - Recap
·1 min
The Hackim 2018 CTF took place on Fri. 09/02/2018, 23:00 until Sun. 11/02/2018, 11:00. Over 1800 people took part in the event but only the top 40 were eligible to win a free conference pass for the Nullcom Goa 2018.
The beginning
·1 min
As a first post I think I should explain the reasons why I decided to make a blog, what I will be posting about and how frequently, so let’s do that quickly !